Aura-Soma® Craniosacral Touch® course - Module 2/Part 2


Aura-Soma® Craniosacral Touch® course - Module 2/Part 2

Aura-Soma® Craniosacral Touch® - Module 2/Part 2

Yesterday we concluded the long awaited meeting with Maria Darbellay and her course Aura-Soma® Craniosacral Touch® - Module 2/Part 2. Heartfelt thanks to Maria and Norbert for sharing their great experience, to Sevasti for her precious job in translating and to Federica, for her perfect organization and kindness. A big hug and thanks also to all  that contributed with their participation in making this intense path, really deep and unforgettable.

In the anniversary of his 100th year, a thought of gratitude to Margaret Cockbain, #pioneer of the Craniosacral Touch® in Italy.

An embrace of light to everyone and… #enjoy - Internet Partner