Invoking and Channeling the Energy of Nature


Invoking and Channeling the Energy of Nature

Invoking and Channeling the Energy of Nature

Today another wonderful excursion organized by IIS dedicated to Invoking and Channeling the Energy of Nature has ended- - this hike we dedicated it to connect with the energy of numbers and stars; from the vibration of the cosmos to the earthly vibration of plants, trees and woods. We have discovered how nature is able to teach us in the process of life and experience sensory experiences through perceptive activities to choose, to act in harmony with our true nature and to become aware to change the reality in which we live, transforming Karma into Dharma. We ended our trip in a field of blooming cherry trees. The cherry represents the brilliance, the fragility and the transience of life. Under the cherry trees we are connected with their essence and understood that in every step we are guided towards a moment of infinity: life is with us if we learn to be with it.

Thanks to all the participants who have made this experience unique and unrepeatable ... a special thanks to EquipeNatura, our trusted guides who have allowed this event to take place.

A big hug and ... see you next time! - Internet Partner