Open Day & Opening of the New IIS Premises


Open Day & Opening of the New IIS Premises

Open Day & Opening of the New IIS Premises

Yesterday we ended the IIS Open Day, in which people had the possibility of meeting the teachers, the students of the School and receive information about the school training program and possibilities envisioned to accompany the individual in their process of self-discovery of their true soul nature, potential and talents. All the training is based on the teachings of the ancient wisdom systems.

An heartfelt thanks to all the new customers for their vivid interest, to all our students who have supported the event and shared their skills and talents in performing consultations and charts.

A special thanks to Candida Mantini – President of the AIPO – who with her strong presence have supported and motivated our personal and professional journey.

Thanks to all the people and “energies” who have supported the school until now, without whom we would not have been able to make this possible.

…a big hug to you all and….

SEE YOU SOON!!!! - Internet Partner