Soul/Body Consciousness Alignment - Part 1


Soul/Body Consciousness Alignment - Part 1

Soul/Body Consciousness Alignment - Part 1

Yesterday we completed the first Part of the course Soul/Body Consciousness Alignment, taught by Cristiana Caria - Spiritual Teacher, SQ Coach, which is part of the  training in Crescita Personale (personal growth) of the International Initiation School - Centre of Holistic Traditional Studies.

During this seminar we deepened the understanding of this art of energetic healing which facilitate the alignment between soul and body in order to support our client in their rising in consciousness. Together we deeply explored and understood the different levels of the aura and learnt, as a facilitator, to become an instrument of the light in order to allow the flow of energetical communication between the personality and the soul. To align means to accept the Divine Plan and to love the unfoldment of life as it is.

A very heartfelt thank you to the students who took part into this wonderful and passionate experience.

A very big hug to you all and…see you soon! - Internet Partner