Aura-Soma® Level 1 - Foundation

06/01/2016 - 06/06/2016

Aura-Soma® Level 1 - Foundation

Aura-Soma® Colour System

This course introduce the student to the philosophy of the Aura-Soma® Colour System, by providing information about the basics of the language of colour in relation to consciousness,  an introduction to the subtle anatomy and an exploration of the tools offered by the system to support the inner journey of self-discovery and self-rememberance. Aura-Soma® is a colour-care system that focuses on the spiritual evolution of the individual and the relationship between energy and consciousness as its purpose is to assist us to attune to our true Self and make shifts in our energetic system and in our awareness.

The main aim of the foundation course is to introduce the new student to the philosophy of this system, to provide information about the tools offered and to practise interpreting the selection of Equilibrium bottles, which are the core of the system.During the course the students will learn the language of colour and they will receive an introduction to the consultation procedure.
The aim is to learn how to interpret the client's bottle Equilibrium selection and how to make recommendation to support the their inner journey of self-develpment through their colour code through time.

Content of the course:
- The Aura-Soma® history and philosophy: Vicky Wall, the founder and innovator of the system and the birth of Equilibrium
- The underlying principles and core values of the non-intrusive, self-selective Aura-Soma® Colour System.
- Holistic Education and the three aspects of being: thinking, feeling, instinctive.
- Colour theory: primary, secondary, tertiary, complimentary, hue, shade, tints.
- The language of colour and consciousness – messages of colour.
- The Aura-Soma subtle anatomy of man – chakras, soul star, earth star and incarnational star.
- Sympathetic resonance as a key to restoring balance
- Introducing the significance of the blue globe and the star as a preparation for entering the consultation process and the unified field.
- The consultation procedure: the unique approach of the Aura-Soma® Colour System. Non-intrusive, self-selective. The greater guide is within.
- Consultation procedure and interpretation of colour selections. The significance of each position of each of the selected Equilibrium bottles.
- The Colour relationships between the selected Equilibrium bottles.
- Guidelines for making recommendations based on the client’s selections.
- The five core products of the Aura-Soma® System, their area of support and guidelines for use.
- Demonstration and practical work with Lifeline Massage technique.
- Demonstration and practical work with the aura and subtle energies.
- The Aura-Soma® Colour Care Training sequence and practising opportunities.

It is a 6-day course and an ASIACT certificate will be issued at the end.
Venue and Bookings:
Lucia Angelis® Shop
Via Fontana 4/A - 41012 Carpi (Modena)
phone: +39  059 696147
e-mail: - Internet Partner