Aura-Soma Level 2 Intermediate

03/05/2014 - 03/10/2014

Equilibrium B42Equilibrium B42
Equilibrium B42
The primary aim of this course is to make connections between the Aura-Soma Colour System and other wisdom traditions showing the value of recognising colours' influence on consciousness.
The main concepts explored during the seminar are: the 5 levels of the language of colour as consciousness, the concept of the Trinity and the different traditions related to it, colour breathing, astrology and colour, numerology, the cultural experiences through time, colour and the environment.
The course will be held in 6 days from 10am to 6.30pm.
The course is open to all the students who have attended the Aura-Soma Level 1.

Venue and bookings:
Lucia Angelis®
Via Fontana 4/A
41012 Carpi (Modena) - ITALY
Tel. 059 696147
Email: - Internet Partner