In November 1977 scientists discovered Chiron, a new celestial body orbiting the Sun between Saturn and Uranus. Originally it was classified as an asteroid, but later it was upgraded to a planet. It was named after the Greek mythological centaur Chiron, a healer and a teacher who could never heal himself after being hurt.
Between Saturn – the Lord of Time, ruler of the past – and revolutionary Uranus, the Mind of God Chiron supports our connection to higher planes and it indicates the area of our life through which we can connect to our divine purpose by bridging the past and the future in a conscious and responsible way. It is a metaphysical mediator which can help us synthesize the energy of both. Where do we hold ourselves back in the past (Saturn) and where can find the rebellious individual energy to move into the future (Uranus)?
Chiron’s purpose is to trigger us into feeling our deepest inner wound in order to clear our inner pain and awaken to a new consciousness. The path to self-mastery is about becoming conscious of the inner wound and releasing it. Chiron is the helper and the healer, who can open up a portal to deep inner peace.
As the astrologer Barbara Hand Clow states, “Chiron is the essence of pragmatism, of gaining a palpable or “hands on” awareness of ourselves so that we can metamorphose into something entirely new. This Chirotic form of transmutation is so systemic, the change so complete, the experience so intense, that most people forget it happened to them within hours. Often it can only be recognized by its effects, such as a sudden new vision, a complete path alteration in life, a feeling of being reborn… Chiron rules the most intense and mystical experiences; it rules spiritual ecstasy.”
During this two-day workshop we will look at the mythology and symbolism of Chiron, its position in relation to the 12 zodiac signs and the 12 houses (areas of life) in the natal chart in order to understand the process of “metamorphosis” that we have chosen to experience in this life in order to open ourselves to something new and higher on our spiral of spiritual evolution for this incarnation.