In the Aura-Soma consultation procedure the Unified Field is the space where we and the client are not separate, because we have both entered into a unified space and have started an mutual exchange through a doorway of colour and light.
Aura-Soma® is a mirror of consciousness, a possibility for the awakening of the self. The colour combinations also represent the reality we live and manifest. The unified field is a clear expression of this concept: there is no separation between us and the colours we choose, but also between us and the person to whom the consultation is given. The purpose of the Aura-Soma system is to support the process of individuation of that unification, that awakening to the balance of the male and female within the self and the balance of above and below.
We can think of it in relationship of the Star Child, B20, and Sandalphon, B98, in which it is possible to see a 4-way energy connection to do with what’s above and below and the two polarities from the left and the right.