A lot is contained in our day and month of birth. The numbers associated to them are an important aspect of our life, as they reflect the field of consciousness we have come here to live and the rhythm of the experience that we have chosen to be given in order to rise in consciousness and manifest our own full life potential.
Numerology is one of the most ancient science of symbols. It started when life started because life is a vibration, that is, a movement in space which manifests as consciousness.
As vibration/movement is a wave, it is expressed as a number, because numbers are the description of a specific vibration of consciousness moving through space and time.
Space is the body we live in, while Time is the sequence that measures things in that space and the materializing Law within that space. Space is esoteric, because it is there to give expression to a specific purpose; while time manifests a sequence of experiences in order to achieve what is meant to be expressed in the space we were born and live in.
Each month is made of 30/31 days and we have 12 months in a year made of 365 days. What is the meaning? What is the rhythm? And why?
During this one-day on-line seminar we will talk about the experiences of the 30/31 days of each month within the 365 days of the year and their meaning in relation to the individual expansion of consciousness for the manifestation of the soul potential. Each number holds a specific experience (day) and a rhythm (month), which are essential keys to the understanding of our own journey and rise in consciousness. The purpose is to look at ourselves and what happens to us in a new way, which can give us clues about why we think and feel the way we do.
It is a possibility to open a new door to the understanding of who we are, and our soul purpose in this lifetime. RECOMMENDED RELATED SEMINARS: Foundation in Esoteric Numerology. TEACHER: Cristiana Caria DETAILS: This on-line seminar is organized and accredited by the International Initiation School and part of the "CRESCITA PERSONALE" (Personal Growth) program. The places on the seminar are limited. Registration expires on 1st June 2020. This is a promotional On-Line seminar. PLEASE CONTACT OUR SCHOOL OFFICE FOR PRICE INFORMATION. To participate, you must be equipped with headphones + microphone and an on-line navigation device with video camera. Seminar hours: 8:00 - 15:00. VENUE: On-Line Seminar INFORMATION & ENQUIRIES: School Office (from: Monday to Friday - 9:30 to 13:30) Telephone: +39 059 686147 or +39 340 0639037 E-mail: secretary@internationalinitiationschool.com PARTICIPATION PRICE: This is a promotional On-Line seminar. PLEASE CONTACT OUR SCHOOL OFFICE FOR PRICE INFORMATION. CLICK HERE FOR WATCH INFORMATION ABOUT THE SCHOOL