I-Ching - Part 2


I-Ching - Part 2

I-Ching - Part 2

Yesterday we ended the second part of the I-Ching seminar: “The I-Ching or the Book of Changes and Esoteric Numerology”, taught by Cristiana Caria - Spiritual Teacher & SQ Coach at the International Initiation School.

The I-Ching suggests a way to align the world by realigning ourselves through the development of a humble and independent state of consciousness in harmony with the cosmic flow of life.

During the course we continued the exploration of the origin and philosophy of this ancient system and the meaning of the hexagrams in relation to esoteric numerology and the unfoldment of the individual journey through life in order to support a soul-centered perspective.

Thanks to all the participants for their dedication. A very big hug and looking forward to seeing you on part 3 from 9th to 14th July 2020,

See you soon!!!
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