Master 5 in Esoteric Numerology: The Athenor: What’s Cooking?

03/29/2025 - 03/30/2025

Master 5 in Esoteric Numerology: The Athenor: What’s Cooking?

“It is the great mediating principle” - Djwhal Khul

Mind, as one of its expressions by the number five is the hallmark of the human being. The five senses give formation to the brain as we explore, experiment and explain what the world is made of, at all the possible levels of life experience. Mind represents the priceless qualities of communication, connectivity, co-operation and discrimination that are essential for humanity to understand, with common sense and intelligence, the world in which it has the privilege to live and have its being. Mind at other levels of sensitivity has so many other expressions; imagination and inspiration for instance belong to the connection within the emotional body driven by the silent contact with the Soul’s energy. From the fiery memory in every atom to the universal mind, the electrical fire of mind attracts, repulses and coordinates the life within its actualities.

Module 5 explores in depth one of the systems we use in chart reading at the Connaissance School. We use the Athenor to help us to focus on the possibilities to activate our potential for world service. We bring together the memory of life experiences at all levels. We examine how we can contact the Love/Wisdom aspects of the Soul in order to redeem the old thought forms that drive our lives into spirals of stagnant obsessional need within the physical, emotional or mental bodies of the personality. The contact with the wisdom of the Soul transmutes exhausted negative mindsets into illuminated sparks of creative intelligence that are already given in our natural body, therefore we are naturally forgiven.

TEACHER: Dott.ssa Cristiana Caria – Spiritual Teacher, Soul Facilitator and SQ Coach.

Born in Italy, she graduated with full marks and honour from the University of Bologna in Humanities and Arts. At the age of 14 she had a near-death experience (NDE) as a consequence of a major accident. An Aura-Soma® and Meditation Teacher, a scholar of the ancient wisdom teachings, in 2017 Cristiana founded the International Initiation School, an holistic mystery school.

DETAILS: This seminar, organized and credited by the International Initiation School, is part of the "CRESCITA PERSONALE" (Personal Growth) program and open to all participants and no pre-requisites are required. The places on the seminar are limited; please book your place in advance by sending your deposit (unrefundable). To participate, you must be equipped with headphones + microphone and an on-line navigation device with video camera. The seminar will take place online on the following dates (2 classes - 12 hours total): 
  • 29th March 2025 | 9:00 - 15:00 (italian time);
  • 30th March 2025 | 9:00 - 15:00 (italian time).
This Seminar will be Audio Recorded. The Students will receive the downloadable Recordings, for their own personal use only.

WHO CAN ATTEND IT: The Masters Course modules can be attended by anyone who has the Certificate of Attendance from a Foundation Course in Esoteric Numerology. Individual modules are stand-alone and can be attended in any order and will result in the award of a module Certificates of Attendance.

RECOMMENDED RELATED COURSES: All the Esoteric Numerology seminarsThe attendance of these courses is recommended in order to obtain a more complete understanding of the subject.



Phone: +39 342 62 66 665 (Thursday, Tuesday, Friday from 9:30 to 13:30 | Wednesday from 14:00 to 17:00 - You can also contact us directly on our Mobile phone via Whatsapp). 

PARTICIPATION PRICES: Please Contact the School Office.

VENUE: On-Line Seminar. - Internet Partner