Yesterday ended the Foundation course in Esoteric Numerology, an engaging experience for all of us aimed at stimulating our spiritual journey...
The second part of the course "The Initiatic Journey in the Esoteric tarot", here in Brisbane (AUSTRALIA), ended yesterday. A small goal of...
The first part of the Diploma course in Esoteric Numerology ended yesterday. The students have experimented and deepened the karmic dynamics linked...
The Hebrew Letters seminar ended yesterday. A special thanks to all the participants who, here in Brisbane - Australia, helped to make this experience...
It ends today our first part of “The Initiatic Journey through the Esoteric Tarot”. We meet also in these days an incredibly fascinated group which...
Today it just finished the Foundation Course in Esoteric Numerology. The group experimented a new way of feeling and trust in our intuition through the Pythagorean...
Another great Event IIS ended today, a new milestone for International Initiation School and for each participant. During the Soul/Body...