The Rainbow Bridge: Colour as a Guide to the Higher Self

04/01/2021 - 06/24/2021

The Rainbow Bridge: Colour as a Guide to the Higher Self

The Rainbow Bridge: Colour as a Guide to the Higher Self

“Color directly influences the soul. Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another purposively, to cause vibrations in the soul” - Vassily Kandinsky

When we look at a colour, or a range of colours - a landscape, the sky, a dress in a window-shop, some house furniture, etc. - we are not aware of the effect that the chromatic impression has on us with its vibration.

The vibration travelling from the object to the eye and from there to the brain - where it is interpreted - does not only generate a sensorial experience, but it has a deep unconscious impact on the consciousness of the person observing and choosing colours, from the external objects to the food to they are going to eat. 

From the scientific point of view, colour is the visual perception of the different electromagnetic radiations that are part of the visible spectrum, that is, everything that our eyes can physically see through the different colour wavelengths. Beyond that spectrum there is no possibility of vision, because the vibratory frequency is beyond human reachability.

The correspondences between colours and their meanings come from the observation of nature, offering us the possibility to give a meaning and a value to all our levels of experience in physicality. For this reason, colour is a way through which we can make connections between the inner and the outer worlds, and our journey in life and Life itself. It is colour that guides our soul in its evolutionary journey, because it is a manifestation of consciousness, as the famous poet and writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe stated: “As a creation of light, the eye can do everything that light itself can do. Everything visible is passed on to the eye through light, the eye delivers it to the whole person. The ear is mute, the mouth is deaf; but the eye hears and speaks. From the outside, the world is reflected in the eye; from the inside, man. The totality of the inside and the outside is completed by the eye.”

There is no separation from what we need and who we are. Our body is energetically positioned between the lowest – red - and the highest – violet - vibrations of the visible spectrum, in a tiny little part of everything that is. It is a bridge between the known and the unknown, between the appearance of form and the invisibility of the whole: a superb rainbow bridge of experience with the intent of taking us from individuality and a state of separateness, to universality and a sense of oneness with everything that is. It shows us how our little life project can take its place in the Great Plan of Existence.

During these weekly evening seminars, we will walk together along the rainbow bridge that we are, from red to magenta, from the perceptible to the invisible, from physicality to soul. We will look at the vibration of each colour as consciousness in order to deeply understand its meanings and relationship with our own inner being. We will explore colour in relation to the different aspects of consciousness, the chakras, the Zodiac Signs and the food we eat, in order to receive its support and guidance in the journey towards our true self. 


1st Class (Thursday 1st April 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Introduction to Colour and its Relationship with the Body: The Rainbow Bridge;

2nd Class (Tuesday 6th April 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Red: Accepting our Divine Purpose;

3rd Class (Tuesday 13th April 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Coral: Me, Others and Interdependency;

4th Class (Tuesday 20th April 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Orange: Our Relationship with Life;

5th Class (Tuesday 27th April 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Gold: Self Inner Wisdom;

6th Class (Tuesday 4th May 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Yellow: Self-Conscious Expression and Individuality;

7th Class (Tuesday 11th May 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Olive: Learning to Flow, the Leadership of the Heart;

8th Class (Tuesday 20th May 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Green: Putting Everything at the Right Place (Panoramic Awareness);

9th Class (Tuesday 25th May 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Turquoise: The I AM in Harmony with the Whole;

10th Class (Thursday 3rd June 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Blue: The Silence of Mind and Peace;

11th Class (Tuesday 8th June 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Royal Blue/Indigo: The Subtle Perceptions;

12th Class (Tuesday 15th June 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Violet: Getting Closer to Divine Thinking;

13th Class (Thursday 24th June 2021 | 12:30 - 15:30 Italian Time): Magenta: Seeing the Divine in the Little Things. Conclusions.

TEACHER: Cristiana Caria

DETAILS: Online English Teaching with Japanese Translation - This on-line seminar, organized and credited by the International Initiation School as part of the Personal Growth training, is open to all participants and requires no pre-requisites. The places on the seminar are limited; please book your place in advance by sending your deposit (unrefundable)​. To participate, you must be equipped with headphones + microphone and an on-line navigation device with video camera. Total hours 19,5 (translation excluded).

This Course will be Video and Audio recorded. The day after each lesson, you will receive an E-mail with the link to access the Video Recordings, which will be watchable on delay for 7 days only. The Audio Recordings can be downloaded and they will be yours forever!



Phone: +39 340 0639037 (Thursday, Tuesday, Friday from 9:30 to 13:30 | Wednesday from 14:00 to 17:00).

ASSOCIATE: Naoko Tachikawa.

PARTICIPATION PRICES: Please Contact the School Office.

COURSE LOCATION: On-Line Seminar. - Internet Partner