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Working with the Unified Field
Working with the Unified Field
07/07/2015 - 07/12/2015
The Yin/Yang relationship model existing between the client and the consultant
The Yin/Yang relationship model existing between the client and the consultant
This course is a fundamental aspect of the AS training, not only for those who would like to complete their Level 4, but also for those who would like to work on the consultation skills and on how, through the inner work, it is possible to chance ourselves and our lives.
It is possible to attend this course innediately after the AS Level 1, because it will be considered valid at the time of the completion of the Level 4. This course is recommended to those who would like to better understand how to effectively work on the unified field in order to actively affect their lives and also for teachers who would like to better understand how their inner work affects the group they are teaching to. It is also open to people with no Aura-Soma® training.
The Unified Field
is the space where we and the client are not separate, because we have both entered into a unified space and have started an mutual exchange through a doorway of colour and light.
Aura-Soma® is a mirror of consciousness, a possibility for the awakening of the self. The colour combinations also represent the reality we live and manifest. The unified field is a clear expression of this concept: there is no separation between us and the colours we choose, but also between us and the person to whom the consultation is given.
The purpose of the Aura-Soma system is to support the process of individuation of that unification, that awakening to the balance of the male and female within the self and the balance of above and below. We can think of it in relationship of the Star Child and Sandalphon, in which it is possible to see a 4 way energy connection to do with what’s above and below and the two polarities from the left and the right.
To activate the Incarnational Star, the energy of the first cell and to receive the information from above, it is necessary that these 4 energies connect: a 4 way connection towards our centre to offer the possibility of the grounding of the information of the Soul Star in the Incarnational Star. The more we can come into touch with the Incarnational Star, the more we can find that balance between the left and the right, above and below so that the child within us can be born and the inner marriage can happen. It is the relaxation into the male and female which allows that effortless effort to occur within the self. The aim of the course is to help each of us know the reality of this Field in the consultation and in our life and to teach us how we can activate the potential energies of the Aura-soma Consultation through the tools which are already part of the system.
Outline of the Course
The Aura-Soma System as a self-selective, non-intrusive soul system. The Understanding of the colours we choose as representing who we are and our reality. How to respond to reality: our RESPONS-ABILITY. Mind, emotions, real situations. What is your difficulty as a Consultant? The Consultant and the Client: the revelation of the Unified Field and the unfolding of our reality. Introduction to the Daisy Consultation Sheet: the energies and the colours of the consultation and their relationship. Listening to the Star: what it is and how to connect. The wisdom and the centering of the gold. The Sacred Space of the Relationship (Gold). Grounding, preparing the space (red). Breathing, communication, peace and clarity (blue). Panoramic awareness and space (green). The process of Individuation of the client and their creativity. Bliss and deep understanding (orange). Clarity and connection with the Spirit (violet). The realization of the Unified Field and the Observer. Synchronicity exercise: the consultant and the client are one. Recognizing the expectation of the clients through their colour selection. Exploring the red-yellow-blue tendencies of the client and their manifestation. Transforming the client’s attitudes towards the situations in their talents and gifts. Leading: the capacity of leading a session. Structure of the 2° chakra, polarity session: to be with yourself/ to be with the client. Trust and Insight: how to be in touch with the Master within.
Venue of the course:
via Fontana 4/A
Carpi (Modena)
Tel. +39 059 686147
e-mail: luciaangeliscarpi@gmail.com
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