Aura-Soma Level 3 Advanced

06/11/2014 - 06/16/2014

This course represents the culmination of the Aura-Soma Colour-Care System Training. It is a very deep and profound course as it explores the relationship between the Aura-Soma Equilibrium bottles and the Tree of Life and it furthers examines the single bottles of the Aura-soma Master sequence.

Content of the course:
  • Colour theory in relation to consciousness evolution as revealed by the unfolding sequence of the Master bottles.
  • The colour combination bottles in relation to the Tree of Life and the Tarot. The Aura-Soma interface with the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
  • An introduction to mind mapping.
  • Consultation Skills through awareness of the Practitioner, client and observer role.
  • Revision and consolidation of information from previous levels.

Aura-Soma Level 3 Advanced
Prerequisites to Level 3:
- Aura-Soma level 2 Intermediate
- 2000 words essay - Internet Partner