Revealing our Inner Potential Through Number and Colour

11/29/2014 - 11/30/2014

Number and colour are universal language. Numbers teach us how to return to the potential that lies behind our life and how to understand the journey of the soul through time. becourse they are the expression of the moment of our incarnation in this body -  our date of birth - they carry a great potential and energy and offer us the possibility to access to the memory of the knowledge and wisdom that lead us into this incarnation at the time of birth. And colour, though the support of the Aura-soma system, gives us the possibility to ground and exteriorize the potential that they carry.

During the seminar, we will explore the meaning of numbers as consciousness, explore our date of birth and the potential that it carries, and, to support these energies, we will work with the Aura-soma Equilibrium bottles. A very deep inner journey into our energies.

Sede del Corso e Iscrizioni:
Erboristeria La Sorgente
Corso Venezia 85
San Bonifacio (Verona)
Tel. 0456103000 oppure 349/3778821
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