The Healing Energy of the 7 Planets in the 7 Metals


The Healing Energy of the 7 Planets in the 7 Metals

The Healing Energy of the 7 Planets in the 7 Metals

Yesterday we concluded the  very interesting seminars on “The Energy of the 7 Planets and the 7 Metals”, developed and taught by Elsa Schiatti.

We understood that there are not only human reasons but also spiritual reason at the basis of the dis-ease in the physical world. With Elsa we explored the way in which the 7 Metals influence our own life, and how we can harmonize each human being’s need thanks to their support.

We would like to congratulate with all the participants for their commitment and work. A very special thanks to Elsa Schiatti for her great competence and experience shared with us.

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